There are two ways
of implication for a freedom,
One with your mind, and the other your body.Freedom of mind is for everything you think,
A world of consciousness: will, decision, inference, and behavior.
Freedom of the body is for the entire rest of all your unconsciousness,
Where you can only sense an ambience, air, or impression around.
"Wow, I can do whatever I like!" you rejoice.
Then, you are talking about the mind freedom.
"What a release," "How comfortable!" you sigh.
Then, you utter the body freedom.
These two are a bit different, although they appear the same.
Be careful, because everyone has both freedoms equally.
So let you just see both your mind and body,
If you would like to balance both freedoms' growth.
This short sentence was written, inspired by "The User Illusion: Cutting Consciousness Down To Size" (Nǿrretranders, 1999).
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